├──midbrain ...
│  ├──retrorubral area of midbrain reticular nucleus
│  ├──midbrain tectum ...
│  │  ├──corticotectal tract
│  │  ├──inferior colliculus
│  │  ├──parabigeminal nucleus
│  │  ├──posterior commissure
│  │  ├──root of trochlear nerve *
│  │  ├──subcommissural organ
│  │  ├──superior colliculus
│  │  └──pretectal region ...
│  │     ├──anterior pretectal nucleus
│  │     ├──nucleus of optic tract
│  │     ├──olivary pretectal nucleus
│  │     ├──principal pretectal nucleus
│  │     └──sublentiform nucleus
│  └──cerebral peduncle ...
│     ├──cerebral crus
│     ├──oculomotor nerve root *
│     ├──substantia nigra ...
│     │  ├──substantia nigra pars compacta
│     │  └──substantia nigra pars reticulata ...
│     │     └──substantia nigra pars lateralis
│     └──midbrain tegmentum ...
│        ├──central gray substance of midbrain
│        ├──central tegmental tract of midbrain
│        ├──decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle
│        ├──dentatothalamic tract
│        ├──dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of midbrain
│        ├──dorsal raphe nucleus
│        ├──dorsal tegmental decussation
│        ├──dorsal tegmental nucleus
│        ├──habenulo-interpeduncular tract of midbrain
│        ├──interpeduncular nucleus
│        ├──interstitial nucleus of Cajal
│        ├──lateral pes lemniscus
│        ├──linear nucleus
│        ├──medial lemniscus of midbrain
│        ├──medial longitudinal fasciculus of midbrain
│        ├──medial pes lemniscus
│        ├──mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
│        ├──mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
│        ├──midbrain raphe nuclei
│        ├──nucleus of posterior commissure
│        ├──oculomotor nerve root *
│        ├──pallidotegmental fasciculus
│        ├──peripeduncular nucleus
│        ├──root of trochlear nerve *
│        ├──rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus
│        ├──spinothalamic tract of midbrain
│        ├──trochlear nucleus
│        ├──ventral nucleus of posterior commissure
│        ├──ventral tegmental area
│        ├──ventral tegmental decussation
│        ├──ventral tegmental nucleus
│        ├──red nucleus ...
│        │  ├──magnocellular part of red nucleus
│        │  └──parvocellular part of red nucleus
│        ├──midbrain reticular formation ...
│        │  ├──cuneiform nucleus
│        │  ├──pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
│        │  └──subcuneiform nucleus
│        └──oculomotor nuclear complex ...
│           ├──anterior median oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──caudal central oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──central oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──dorsal oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──intermediate oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──medial oculomotor nucleus
│           ├──parvocellular oculomotor nucleus
│           └──ventral oculomotor nucleus
├──hindbrain ...
│  ├──fourth ventricle
│  ├──medulla oblongata ...
│  │  ├──accessory nerve root
│  │  ├──cochlear nuclear complex
│  │  ├──glossopharyngeal nerve root
│  │  ├──hypoglossal nerve root
│  │  ├──inferior olivary complex
│  │  ├──medullary raphe nuclear complex
│  │  ├──medullary reticular formation
│  │  ├──nucleus of solitary tract
│  │  ├──root of vagus nerve
│  │  ├──vestibular nuclear complex
│  │  └──white matter of medulla oblongata
│  ├──cerebellum ...
│  │  ├──cerebellar cortex ...
│  │  │  ├──alar central lobule
│  │  │  ├──anterior lobe of cerebellum
│  │  │  ├──anterior quadrangular lobule
│  │  │  ├──central lobule
│  │  │  ├──cerebellar vermis
│  │  │  ├──cerebellum vermis culmen
│  │  │  ├──cerebellum vermis lobule I
│  │  │  ├──flocculonodular lobe
│  │  │  └──posterior lobe of cerebellum
│  │  └──cerebellar nuclear complex ...
│  │     ├──fastigial nucleus
│  │     ├──cerebellum interpositus nucleus ...
│  │     │  ├──cerebellum globose nucleus
│  │     │  └──emboliform nucleus
│  │     └──dentate nucleus ...
│  │        ├──amiculum of dentate nucleus
│  │        ├──hilum of dentate nucleus
│  │        ├──neodentate part of dentate nucleus
│  │        └──paleodentate of dentate nucleus
│  └──pons ...
│     ├──facial nerve root
│     ├──root of abducens nerve *
│     ├──trigeminal nerve root
│     ├──vestibulocochlear nerve root
│     ├──basal part of pons ...
│     │  ├──longitudinal pontine fibers
│     │  ├──middle cerebellar peduncle
│     │  ├──pontine nuclear group
│     │  └──transverse pontine fibers
│     └──pontine tegmentum ...
│        ├──abducens nucleus
│        ├──central tegmental tract of pons
│        ├──decussation of trochlear nerve
│        ├──dorsal acoustic stria
│        ├──dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of pons
│        ├──dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus
│        ├──dorsal trigeminal tract
│        ├──facial motor nucleus
│        ├──intermediate acoustic stria
│        ├──lateral lemniscus
│        ├──lateral parabrachial nucleus
│        ├──locus ceruleus
│        ├──medial lemniscus of pons
│        ├──medial longitudinal fasciculus of pons
│        ├──medial parabrachial nucleus
│        ├──motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
│        ├──motor root of trigeminal nerve
│        ├──nucleus subceruleus
│        ├──oral part of spinal trigeminal nucleus
│        ├──pontine raphe nucleus
│        ├──pontine reticular formation
│        ├──principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
│        ├──root of abducens nerve *
│        ├──spinal trigeminal tract of pons
│        ├──spinothalamic tract of pons
│        ├──superior medullary velum
│        ├──superior olivary complex
│        ├──superior salivatory nucleus
│        ├──tectopontine tract
│        ├──trapezoid body
│        ├──uncinate fasciculus
│        ├──ventral acoustic stria
│        ├──ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus
│        ├──ventral trigeminal tract
│        └──vestibulocerebellar tract
└──forebrain ...
   ├──diencephalon ...
   │  ├──habenulo-interpeduncular tract of diencephalon
   │  ├──optic chiasma
   │  ├──optic tract
   │  ├──root of optic nerve
   │  ├──ventral thalamus
   │  ├──median eminence of neurohypophysis ...
   │  │  ├──anterior median eminence
   │  │  └──posterior median eminence
   │  ├──epithalamus ...
   │  │  └──habenula ...
   │  │     ├──habenular commissure
   │  │     └──pineal body
   │  ├──dorsal plus ventral thalamus ...
   │  │  ├──anterior nuclear group
   │  │  ├──capsule of medial geniculate body
   │  │  ├──internal medullary lamina of thalamus
   │  │  ├──intralaminar nuclear group
   │  │  ├──lateral nuclear group of thalamus
   │  │  ├──medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
   │  │  ├──metathalamus
   │  │  ├──midline nuclear group
   │  │  ├──posterior nuclear complex of thalamus
   │  │  ├──stratum zonale of thalamus
   │  │  ├──stria medullaris
   │  │  ├──thalamic fiber tract
   │  │  └──ventral nuclear group
   │  └──hypothalamus ...
   │     ├──anterior hypothalamic region
   │     ├──dorsal hypothalamic area
   │     ├──dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of hypothalamus
   │     ├──lateral hypothalamic area
   │     ├──medial forebrain bundle
   │     ├──postcommissural fornix of brain
   │     ├──posterior hypothalamic region
   │     └──intermediate hypothalamic region ...
   │        ├──arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus
   │        ├──dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus
   │        ├──intermediate periventricular nucleus
   │        ├──retrochiasmatic area
   │        ├──tuber cinereum
   │        ├──ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus
   │        └──pituitary gland ...
   │           ├──adenohypophysis
   │           ├──lateral eminence of hypophysis
   │           └──neurohypophysis ...
   │              ├──neural lobe of neurohypophysis
   │              └──pituitary stalk
   └──telencephalon ...
      ├──anterior commissure
      ├──anterior olfactory nucleus
      ├──anterior perforated substance
      ├──basal forebrain
      ├──basal nucleus of telencephalon
      ├──cerebral hemisphere white matter
      ├──island of Calleja
      ├──lateral olfactory stria
      ├──medial olfactory gyrus
      ├──olfactory tract
      ├──root of olfactory nerve
      ├──rostral migratory stream
      ├──stria terminalis
      ├──subcallosal area
      ├──substantia innominata
      ├──ventral amygdalofugal projection
      ├──ventral pallidum
      ├──olfactory bulb ...
      │  └──olfactory bulb granule cell layer
      ├──diagonal band of Broca * ...
      │  ├──horizontal limb of the diagonal band
      │  └──vertical limb of the diagonal band
      ├──nucleus accumbens ...
      │  ├──core of nucleus accumbens
      │  └──shell of nucleus accumbens
      ├──fornix of brain * ...
      │  ├──anterior column of fornix
      │  ├──body of fornix
      │  ├──hippocampal commissure
      │  ├──hippocampus fimbria
      │  ├──posterior column of fornix
      │  └──precommissural fornix of forebrain
      ├──striatum * ...
      │  ├──putamen ...
      │  │  ├──matrix compartment of putamen
      │  │  └──striosomal part of putamen
      │  └──caudate nucleus ...
      │     ├──body of caudate nucleus
      │     ├──head of caudate nucleus
      │     └──tail of caudate nucleus
      ├──septum of telencephalon ...
      │  ├──septum pellucidum
      │  ├──diagonal band of Broca * ...
      │  │  ├──horizontal limb of the diagonal band
      │  │  └──vertical limb of the diagonal band
      │  └──septal nuclear complex ...
      │     ├──bed nucleus of stria terminalis
      │     ├──dorsal septal nucleus
      │     ├──lateral septal nucleus
      │     ├──medial septal nucleus
      │     ├──nucleus of anterior commissure
      │     ├──nucleus of diagonal band
      │     ├──septofimbrial nucleus
      │     └──triangular septal nucleus
      ├──basal nuclear complex ...
      │  ├──claustrum of brain
      │  ├──globus pallidus ...
      │  │  ├──accessory medullary lamina of globus pallidus
      │  │  ├──lateral globus pallidus
      │  │  ├──lateral medullary lamina of globus pallidus
      │  │  ├──medial globus pallidus
      │  │  └──medial medullary lamina of globus pallidus
      │  ├──striatum * ...
      │  │  ├──putamen ...
      │  │  │  ├──matrix compartment of putamen
      │  │  │  └──striosomal part of putamen
      │  │  └──caudate nucleus ...
      │  │     ├──body of caudate nucleus
      │  │     ├──head of caudate nucleus
      │  │     └──tail of caudate nucleus
      │  └──amygdala ...
      │     ├──corticomedial nuclear complex ...
      │     │  ├──anterior amygdaloid area
      │     │  ├──cortical amygdaloid nucleus
      │     │  ├──medial amygdaloid nucleus
      │     │  ├──nucleus of lateral olfactory tract
      │     │  └──obsolete regional part of corticomedial nuclear complex
      │     └──basolateral amygdaloid nuclear complex ...
      │        ├──accessory basal amygdaloid nucleus
      │        ├──basal amygdaloid nucleus ...
      │        │  ├──lateral part of basal amygdaloid nucleus
      │        │  └──medial part of basal amygdaloid nucleus
      │        └──lateral amygdaloid nucleus ...
      │           ├──lateral amygdaloid nucleus, dorsolateral part
      │           ├──lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventrolateral part
      │           └──lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventromedial part
      └──cerebral cortex ...
         ├──anterior calcarine sulcus
         ├──anterior parieto-occipital sulcus
         ├──calcarine sulcus
         ├──cingulate sulcus
         ├──circular sulcus of insula
         ├──collateral sulcus
         ├──frontal lobe
         ├──lateral sulcus
         ├──limen of insula
         ├──obsolete simian fossa (macaque)
         ├──occipital lobe
         ├──occipitotemporal sulcus
         ├──parieto-occipital sulcus
         ├──preoccipital notch
         ├──rhinal sulcus
         ├──temporal lobe
         ├──limbic lobe ...
         │  ├──cingulate gyrus
         │  ├──fasciolar gyrus
         │  ├──parahippocampal gyrus
         │  ├──paraterminal gyrus
         │  └──supracallosal gyrus
         ├──parietal lobe ...
         │  ├──inferior parietal cortex
         │  ├──pericalcarine cortex
         │  ├──postcentral gyrus
         │  ├──postcentral sulcus of parietal lobe
         │  ├──precuneus cortex
         │  └──superior parietal cortex
         └──hippocampal formation ...
            ├──hippocampus alveus ...
            │  ├──CA1 alveus
            │  └──CA3 alveus
            ├──subicular complex ...
            │  ├──presubiculum
            │  └──subiculum
            ├──Ammon's horn ...
            │  ├──CA1 field of hippocampus
            │  ├──CA2 field of hippocampus
            │  └──CA3 field of hippocampus
            ├──dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation ...
            │  ├──dentate gyrus granule cell layer
            │  ├──dentate gyrus molecular layer
            │  └──hilus of dentate gyrus
            └──fornix of brain * ...
               ├──anterior column of fornix
               ├──body of fornix
               ├──hippocampal commissure
               ├──hippocampus fimbria
               ├──posterior column of fornix
               └──precommissural fornix of forebrain