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InterLex setup

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Setting up a new InterLex


Setup for pguri postgres module

  • Gentoo

    A dev-db/pguri-9999.ebuild is available in

    layman -a tgbugs-overlay
    emerge pguri
  • Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config liburiparser-dev postgresql-server-dev-all
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
    git clone
    cd pguri
    make PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config
    sudo make PG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pg_config install

Set up a virtual environment

In the working directory of this repository (usually the 'outer' interlex folder)

  1. run pipenv install (may complain about version issues)
  2. run pipenv shell NOTE: if you have a local development version of pyontutils installed in PYTHONPATH pipenv will point to those files for the source, HOWEVER the command line scripts installed by pipenv will point to the venv which could cause major confusion. The simplest solution is to only run interlex and interlex commands inside the venv and run any pyontutils commands outside the venv.

Set up the database

  1. Set up postgres for your operating system.
  2. From the working directly run interlex-dbsetup $PORT $DBNAME NOTE: if you change $DBNAME from interlex_test make sure you also change it in the python code since this has not been abstracted yet.
  3. You will need to set the passwords for interlex-admin and interlex-user manually and then run interlex-dbsetup $PORT $DBNAME again. To accomplish this run the following. su postgres psql \password interlex-admin \password interlex-user.
  4. Add the passwords for interlex-admin and interlex-user to ~/.pgpass.
  5. Run interlex dbsetup to add an initial 'authenticated' user.

Set up the message broker

  1. Install rabbitmq and add it and epmd to default services.
  2. See interlex-mqsetup

Bootstrapping a development environment on Gentoo

It is possible to run InterLex as a service as the interlex user and use the PYTHONPATH option in file:///etc/conf.d/interlex (open as root) to use the development codebase to run the daemon. There are a few steps required to get everything working smoothly. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU TRUST ${DEV_USER}.

# become interlex (probably via root)
su interlex
# point interlex to dev packages
export PYTHONPATH=~DEV_USER/git/pyontutils:~DEV_USER/git/ontquery:~DEV_USER/git/interlex:~DEV_USER/git/pyontutils/ttlser:~DEV_USER/git/pyontutils/htmlfn:
# note that ~${DEV_USER} will not expand

# set the location of devconfig.yaml
export PYONTUTILS_DEVCONFIG=~/devconfig.yaml
# create a new devconfig for the interlex user
/home/${DEV_USER}/bin/ontutils devconfig --write

Run tests

  1. From the working directory run python -m unittest test/ (this is also run by interlex-dbsetup)
  2. From the working directory run pytest (you may need to install it first e.g. via pipenv install pytest) NOTE: this will run stress tests.

Load content

Sync with mysql

At this point you should be able to synchronize the database with the existing mysql interlex installation. WARNING There is a bug in the current loading process and the loaded records do not match those generated by the alt server via MysqlExport.

  1. Make sure you create a ~/.mypass file that conforms to the syntax of ~/.pgpass i.e. each line should look like
  2. If you do not have direct access to the mysql database servers you may need to set up ssh forwarding in which case you should add the hostname of your devbox to config.dev_remote_hosts and forward to port 33060 to make use of
  3. Inside the venv run interlex sync
  4. Once you drop into the IPython embed shell run self.load() and the load should commence. NOTE: there is no user auth at the moment so the code pretends to be tgbugs.

Start the uri server

For development

run interlex uri in the venv.

For production

run interlex-uri in the venv. WARNING: if you run in this way you will not be able to use embed to debug and you will get strange errors.

Load ontologies

If you are running interlex via interlex-uri replace the -o from these commands with -c.

  1. In the venv run interlex post resource -o -u $YOURUSERNAME
  2. Repeat for as many ontologies as you want, for example NOTE: currently this does not pull in the transitive closure.

Load curies

  1. In the venv run interlex post curies -o base and then interlex post curies -o $YOURUSERNAME

Performance notes

On orpheus the primary bottleneck seems to be the number of gunicorn workers. For total failures to respond in within 5 seconds when confronted 8 workers set at 50hz full blast. What is very strange is that the same set of failures shows up for every worker on output, so I think something is funky with how errors are getting passed back out. A different set do fail when looking at the printout. HyperThreading doesn't seem to help here. Load seems split evenly between the guni workers and postgres. Failures seem to happen in bursts at higher guni worker counts.

workers avg failure % cpu % sat all cores effective rate Hz
2 50 25 10
4 4 60 16
4 9 60 15
5 5 80 18
8 4.5 100 19
8 4 100 19.5

Checking the logs, the ~20 Hz over 8 workers is indeed translating to about 160 requests per second, which still seems really low I should be able to generate way more requests than 20/worker.

urlblaster is a … bad piece of code.

for id in {0100000..0120000};
do echo -e $id;
done | xargs -P 50 -r -n 1 curl -s "http://localhost:8606/base/ilx_${id}" > /dev/null

hits nearly 800 rps of 404s and

for id in {0100000..0101000};
do echo -e "http://localhost:8606/base/ilx_${id}";
done | xargs -L 1 -P 100 curl -s > /dev/null

hits 180 rps running guni and db on the same server with 8 workers (when requesting from not the server) hits 140 rps running guni and db on the same server with 4 workers

tornado seems pretty fast for 8 as well? who knows

measuring with time from both the server and a remote shows that we are hitting between 100 and 140 rps

who knows, maybe a materialized memory view would help for some of this, though somehow I think the issue is probably in the python

pypy3 with sync worker has roughly the same performance, gevent is monstrously slow gthread is about 20 rps slower than sync (1s over 1k requests), sync can get up to ~150rps, don't forget the cold boot effect on the first run which adds a second to everything eventlet is about ~12rps or so slower than sync (all for 8 workers, 4 workers is ~25rps slower for sync, 6 workers for sync seems to get fairly close to performance with 8 and the total cpu usage is fairly close as well) tornado with 6 workers seems to push the limits and is a bit faster than sync at ~155rps taking it to 8 shows a slowdown to ~145 rps 4 workers drops it to 133rps 5 hits 150rps so it seems that tornado with 6 is about the best for pypy3

pypy3 clearly faster with tornado than anything running 3.6, bonus is that rdflib will be way faster too if we can get the memory leak during serialization worked out is now way faster since fixing the "turns out that allocating hundreds of thousands of empty lists just looks like a memory leak" bug. pypy3 is also about 4x faster when dumping nt straight from the database, peaking at about 80MBps to disk on the same computer while python3.6 hits ~20MBps.

most of the pypy3 numbers are tainted by the fact that they were tested from the server remotely there seems to be some cycling in the cpu usage, not sure why, but tornado at 8 seems like the best setup, eventlet might be ok too, more systematic testing would be needed

turning –log-level to critical gives maybe an extra second over 1000 requests

tested bjoern but got issues with hung processes and there is still quite high cpu usage best approach seems like it will be to cache things since the issue is likely that we are hitting python code to retrieve mostly static content anyway

Date: 2021-02-11T15:44:21-08:00

Author: Tom Gillespie

Created: 2022-12-22 Thu 01:38
