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Ontology resolver setup

Ontology resolver setup

Resolver for

Python scripts to generate nginx include files and nginx configuration for the and resolvers.

This resolver is built to make it possible to resolve fragment identifiers where the fragment is not sent to the server by the browser.

NOTE! There is no way that we can resolve fragment ids without javascript, anyone advanced enough to be resolving these using a script should use the resolver or can convert # to / in the script themselves.

All ttl files are redirected to github master. All owl files are redirected to github xml-final.

nginx setup

  1. Install the nginx lua module for your system (and optionally also compile nginx with luajit).
  2. git clone to somewhere convenient.


  1. Run to generate ontology-uri-map.conf uri-ilx-map.conf and uri-scr-map.conf.
  2. Copy the map conf files and nif-ont-resolver.conf into /etc/nginx/.
  3. Add include nif-ont-resolver.conf to the main http section of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
  4. Place redirect.html and redirect.js in /var/www/ontology (adjust location as needed).
  5. Copy version-lookup.lua and json.lua into /etc/nginx/.
  6. Adjust the paths in all the config files to match the locations on your system.

Auxillary services setup

In order to run aux services in with caching to take the load off the webserver there is a minimal nginx config that caches gzipped versions of files that are likely to be slow to generate and only change rarely.

nginx setup

  1. mkdir /var/cache/nginx as root.
  2. cp aux-resolver.conf /etc/nginx/ as root.
  3. Delete the default http section in the system default nginx file and replace it with include aux-resolver.conf;.

Date: 2019-03-27T01:27:23-04:00

Author: Tom Gillespie

Created: 2022-12-22 Thu 01:38
